Saturday, April 30, 2011

KMPlayer | 12.37 Mb

The KMPlayer is all in one media player covering various formats. It has an extra feature to play Incomplete/Damaged AVI file, Locked Media Files while downloading or sharing, Compressed Audio Album (zip, rar) and so on.
It handles a wide range of subtitles and allows you to capture audio, video, and screenshots in many ways. The player provides both internal and external filters with a fully controlled environment without grappling with DirectShow merit system.
The player can set multifarious audio and video effects, control playback speed and octave, select parts of a video as favorites, do a powerful A-B repeat, remap the keys of remote interface for HTPC including overlay screen controls, change a skin dynamically depending on a media type playing, and many more.
It is completely customizable thanks to a wide selection of skins and color schemes.
Changes in The KMPlayer Final:
- FLV Skip Problum.
- 24 bit FLAC audio problem
- Fixed screen size problem
- Fixed some video's audio sync problem
- Fixed EVR mode freezing problem(Vista & Windows 7)
- Update BASE ver Audio Codec (support OFR file)
- Fixed EAC3 codec & filter problem
- Fixed TRUEHD codec problem
- Fixed MP3 ID3V2 info problem
- Add new function album art (Thumnail image extraction from WMA file)
- Fixed EVR C/A
- Fixed mp4 file analysis problem
- Improve file facing speed.
- Fixed audio codec always loaded.(LPCM, PCM).

Download Here :


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Im Not Uploader, Im link finder So Please check the link before download. Spesial Thanks To UPLOADER
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